Objectives & Goals

The University of Michigan is committed to ensuring equitable access to digital information for all users, including individuals with disabilities. 

The Strategic Initiative aims to position U-M as a leader in higher education by developing and maintaining mature processes, support systems, services, and tools to meet both internal policies and external regulations.

Strategy and Guidance

Objective: Develop and consistently communicate the overall University of Michigan's strategy, with updates aligned with Title II and Section 504.

Action Plan:

  • Provide university leadership with essential information to communicate campus expectations. IN PROGRESS
  • Support U-M with interpretation and guidance on policy and regulations. IN PROGRESS


Objective: Create and implement a refined procurement process for acquiring, assessing, and maintaining accessible technology.

Action Plan:

  • Establish a working group with Central Procurement, ECRT, OGC, and ITS. DONE
  • Develop, approve, and implement an updated procurement process, specifications, and contract language. IN PROGRESS
  • Communicate changes and train staff, ensure stakeholders are aware of new resources, roles, and responsibilities. IN PROGRESS

Enterprise Accessibility Tools

Objective:  Provide a suite of tools for the entire U-M community to manage U-M courses, websites, and applications towards compliance.

Action Plan

  • Course Content Accessibility - See Course Content Accessibility section
  • Relaunch the Accessibility Scanning Service to support unit-level compliance management. IN PROGRESS
  • Launch a solution to check and improve accessibility of Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. IN PROGRESS

Course Content Accessibility

Objective: Provide tools, support, and services to enable U-M to deliver equitable access to digital course content.

Action Plan:

  • Launch the Canvas Accessibility tool and begin phased rollout to all U-M with support, training, and guidance for units to manage compliance. IN PROGRESS
    • Panorama. IN PROGRESS
  • Investigate service models to support course content accessibility. IN PROGRESS


Objective: Develop and deliver consistent messaging across multiple channels to communicate current strategy, tools, and pathways to support and services.

Action Plan:

  • Partner with VP Comm, ITS Communications, ECRT, OGC, and individual units to deliver campaigns that communicate timely guidance and promote general knowledge of digital accessibility. IN PROGRESS
  • Launch the updated accessibility.umich.edu website. DONE
  • Mature the Digital Accessibility Liaison (DAL) network into a self-sustaining entity for coordination and communications. IN PROGRESS
  • Create Communication Toolkits for DAL network and Unit Communicators. IN PROGRESS


Objective: Maintain and develop training to support current strategy and for different roles and responsibilities.

Action Plan:

  • Develop materials needed for the relaunch of the ITS Accessibility Scanning Service. IN PROGRESS
    • Develop handbooks for unit managers and scan coordinators to use in management of the accessibility of their web presence. IN PROGRESS
  • Relaunch accessibility.umich.edu to better direct people to existing training resources. DONE
  • Assess training gaps and develop or determine appropriate training to meet the strategy and goals. IN PROGRESS

Compliance Leadership

Objective: Provide guidance and support for the entire U-M community to manage U-M websites and U-M applications towards compliance.

Action Plan:

  • Mature the use of the accessibility database for appropriate U-M reporting and unit compliance management. COMING
  • Refine and communicate the scope of ITS Accessibility Reviews Service. IN PROGRESS

Emerging Solutions

Objective: Investigate and implement new digital accessibility tools, services, and solutions where needed.

Action Plan:

  • Investigate tools and vendor services to support accessible documents in Google Workspace. IN PROGRESS
  • Investigate tools and vendor services to support accessible PDFs. IN PROGRESS
  • Investigate tools and solutions for accessible video, including automatic captioning and professional services. IN PROGRESS