Vendor-provided digital content, applications, and other technologies used at U-M are required to meet digital accessibility standards and provide equitable access for people with disabilities.
When purchasing or adopting vendor-provided technology, determine the accessibility risk of the product, then follow the process below.
High Risk
Before Purchase or Before Contract is Signed
- Communicate with the vendor about university requirements for vendors.
- Request compliance documentation from the vendor as the language used above specifies. Send them a copy of the supplier questionnaire.
- Evaluate the compliance documentation that the vendor submits.
- Request an accessibility review of the product.
- Send the review report that the Accessibility Team provides you to the vendor.
- Ask the vendor to address the issues found in the review.
- Negotiate with vendor agreements and timelines to remediate the product.
- Include provisos in the contract outlining any agreements and timelines to remediating the product negotiated with the vendor.
After Purchase or After Contract is Signed
- Monitor vendor compliance to the agreements stipulated in the contract regarding accessibility changes.
- When the product becomes available, make sure that the people/teams supporting it are aware of any issues found during the review and any commitments on the part of the vendor.
- File information on adoption (product info, risk assessment score, vendor compliance documentation, product review results, contract provisos).
Medium Risk
Before Purchase or Before Contract is Signed
- Communicate with the vendor about university requirements for vendors.
- Request compliance documentation from the vendor as the language used above specifies.
- Evaluate the compliance documentation that the vendor submits.
- Request an accessibility review of the product.
- Send the review report that the Accessibility Team provides you to the vendor.
- Ask the vendor to address the issues found in the review.
- Consider negotiating with vendor agreements and timelines to remediate the product.
- Consider including provisos in the contract outlining any agreements and timelines to remediating the product negotiated with the vendor.
After Purchase or After Contract is Signed
- Monitor vendor compliance to the agreements stipulated in the contract regarding accessibility changes.
- File information on adoption (product info, risk assessment score, vendor compliance documentation, product review results, contract provisos).
Low Risk
- Prior to purchase, communicate with vendors about university requirements for vendors.
- After purchase, file information on adoption (product info, risk assessment score).