The below table lists units with their current Liaison(s) and Sponsor.
To join the DAL Network, contact the Accessibility Team.
If your unit would be better served in this work by operating as multiple units, please contact the Accessibility Team with further details and we will work with you to make appropriate changes.
Unit | Liaison(s) | Sponsor |
ADVANCE Program | Kelsey Arras | Shawn Beard |
Alumni Association | Carrington May | Andre Zoldan |
Audit Services | Shelley Curry | Asel Solovyeva |
Center for Academic Innovation (CAI) | Pamela Saca Caroline Damren |
Ricky LaFosse |
Center for Research on Learning & Teaching (CRLT) | Esther Witte | Malinda Matney |
Center for the Education of Women (CEW+) | Sarah Keovongsak | Tiffany Marra |
College of Engineering | Amy Whitesall Aaron Elam Sarah Noah |
Dan Maletta |
College of Pharmacy | Stephen McClatchey | TBD |
College of Literature, Science, & the Arts (LSA) | Kelli Grasman Jessica McCuaig |
Dush Fernando |
Communications (Office of the Vice President) | Patrick Springstubbe | Christopher Billick |
Facilities and Operations | Jonas Daunoravicius | Kevin Fraley |
Ford School of Public Policy | Tom Cook Quanda Hunter Katrina Kamann Bill Kelly Chris Myers |
Ante' Britten |
Information & Technology Services (ITS) | Nargas Oskui-Tabrizi for Teaching & Learning Jennifer Burch for Project Management Office Jalpa Patel for Information Assurance Gonzalo Silverio for Support Services Hideko Mills for Infrastructure Tracy Fitzgerald for EAS |
Robert Jones |
Institute for Continuing Legal Education (ICLE) | Ryan Coulter | Stephanie D Fowler |
Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention | Miles Haney | Brent Miller |
Institute for Social Research (ISR) | Yelena Muthyala | Tara Engholm |
Law School | Kevin Ross | Huan Yan |
Life Sciences Institute (LSI) | Rajani Arora Betty Narvaez-Rodriguez |
Cathy Andrews Anna Schork |
M Dining | Kelly Guralewski | Kathy Whiteside |
Michigan Medicine | Heather Kipp LR Nuñez Irina Knokh Julie Perez Sarah Acree Andrew Staley |
Heather Kipp |
Museum of Art | Molly Trudeau | Christopher Ankney |
Procurement Services | Eric Korson Becky Geskey |
Charles Sulikowski |
Rackham Graduate School | Marc Williams | Matt Nelson |
School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS) | Dave Brenner | Moe Daraiseh |
School of Dentistry | Mary Lewandowski Mike Porter |
Cassandra Callaghan Raymond Aldrich |
School of Education | Christian-Jacob Johnson Kaisa Ryding |
Joseph Gorde |
School of Information (SI) | Anna Lawrence | Jessica Sendra T. Charles Yun |
School of Kinesiology | Jean Hunt | Ryan Schell |
School of Music, Theatre & Dance | Crystal O'Rourke Kiera Satz Naira Tumanyan |
Greg Laman |
School of Public Health | Patty Bradley | Andrea LeFerle |
School of Social Work (SSW) | Randall Bilby Lacea Zavala |
Ryan Bankston |
Shared Services Center | Allissa Weber Gretchen Handy |
Nicki Trinka Kate Barker |
Stamps School of Art and Design | Tricia Borcherding Andre Grewe |
Caitlin Walton |
Stephen M. Ross School of Business | Sheri Fillip Don DuChateau II Katy Reeves |
Cheryl Sobkow Lisa Frye |
Student Life | Scott Heinowski | Dino Anastasia |
Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning | Jesse Schmidt | Nyanatee Bailey |
University of Michigan Dearborn | Christopher Casey Chen Wang |
Sara Byczek |
University of Michigan Flint | Joel Howard Jennifer Daraiseh |
Scott Arnst |
University Development | Nancy Waters Gurgen Grigoryan |
Regis Vogel Ila Coltas |
University Human Resources (UHR) | Sharon Vargo | Jennifer Watson |
University Library | Bryan Birchmeier Christie Zablocki |
Laurie Alexander Bohyun Kim |
Athletics | TBD | TBD |
Bentley Historical Library | TBD | TBD |
Business & Finance | TBD | TBD |
Clements Library | TBD | TBD |
Division of Public Safety and Security | TBD | TBD |
Duderstadt Center | TBD | TBD |
Equity, Civil Rights and Title IX | TBD | TBD |
General Counsel | TBD | TBD |
Government Relations | TBD | TBD |
Graham Sustainability Institute | TBD | TBD |
Matthaei Botanical Gardens & Nichols Arboretum | TBD | TBD |
Office of Budget and Planning (Provost) | TBD | TBD |
Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | TBD | TBD |
Office of Enrollment Management | TBD | TBD |
Office of Research | TBD | TBD |
Office of the President/Vice President and Secretary of the University | TBD | TBD |
Office of the Provost | TBD | TBD |
Officer Education Programs | TBD | TBD |
School of Nursing | TBD | TBD |
Started in 2023, the DAL Network structure builds on the model of existing U-M networks that facilitate IT management (Security Unit Liaisons, ITS Unit Reps) and equity and inclusion work, and learns from comparable approaches to accessibility at many peer institutions.