Evaluating Accessibility Compliance Documentation

Compliance documentation (CD) types

Important: If the purchase presents a high risk, the actual product will need to be examined and evaluated and the results compared to the documentation, helping us to score the vendor.
  1. Vendor questionnaire answers: In any RFP, the vendor is required to return answers to a questionnaire that is attached to the RFP. This is the only CD that is required.
  2. VPAT: Standing for “Voluntary Product Accessibility Template,” it is a self-disclosing document produced by the vendor (or a third party) which details each aspect of the Section 508 requirements and how the product supports each criteria.
  3. Other: Vendors may publish statements about their compliance on their website. While you are there, examine the website itself for accessibility using a quick non-technical test. If their promotional material is not accessible, the product may be deficient as well.

Vendor questionnaire answers

How to score the table below: A yes response to a question scores the value in the right column. A no response scores a value of 0. The maximum score is 30 points.

Question Answer Value
Vendor provided accessibility information about the product
Vendor outlined how they account for accessibility in company policy and practices (including training, development, quality assurance)
Vendor or a reputable 3rd party tests with actual users with different disabilities
Vendor or a reputable 3rd party tests with a range of assistive technology
Vendor provided an accessibility contact in the company and this person is not in marketing
Vendor prioritizes fixing accessibility errors and does not treat them as feature requests
An appreciable percentage of development and QA is devoted to accessibility
Vendor says product is not accessible, but has provided a roadmap to make it so
Vendor provides details on training on accessibility for all roles involved

VPAT analysis

How to score the table below: A Yes response to a question scores the value in the right column. A No response scores a value of 0. The maximum General Score is 15 points.

General Score

Question Answer Value
VPAT is the most current version, and it is a VPAT - WCAG or a VPAT - INT
Vendor provides detail on how product was tested and who tested it
Vendor demonstrates that VPAT is relevant to current version of product or is otherwise up-to-date

Success Criteria Score

Success Criteria score will depend on the number of criteria that are “Not Applicable” - apply the following formula for maximum score (15 + [(38-N) * 5] where N is the number of criteria that are not applicable. Once you have the maximum score you can calculate what the actual score is as a percentage of the maximum score.

For each success criteria

Question Answer Value
If the conformance level is "Supports" and VPAT provides detailed remarks that explain why this conformance level was chosen
If the conformance level is "Partially Supports" or "Does Not Support" and  
• VPAT provides detailed remarks about what features are non-conformant
• VPAT provides information about a remediation plan
• VPAT provides information on  a reasonable remediation timeline

Provisionally, the VPAT needs to score 10 points of the General score and 90% of the criteria score to be acceptable. This method will be refined and communicated as we practice it in real life situations.