Accessibility Vetting Process for High Risk Purchases

This page is for units who are in the process of buying, contracting or adopting information technology, have run a risk assessment for their product, and found the risk to be High. (For other risk levels, see the Low risk and Medium risk pages.)


Before purchase or before the contract is signed

  1. Communicate with the vendor about university accessibility requirements. (Some language to use.)
  2. Request compliance documentation from the vendor as the language used above specifies.
    For medium and high risk purchases, send them a copy of the supplier questionnaire.
  3. Evaluate the compliance documentation that the vendor submits.
  4. Request an accessibility review of the product.
  5. Send the review report that the Accessibility Team provides you to the vendor.
    1. Ask the vendor to address the issues found in the review.
    2. Negotiate with vendor agreements and timelines to remediate the product.
    3. Include provisos in the contract outlining any agreements and timelines to remediating the product negotiated with the vendor.

After purchase or after the contract is signed

  1. Monitor vendor compliance to the agreements stipulated in the contract regarding accessibility changes.
  2. When the product becomes available, make sure that the people/teams supporting it are aware of any issues found during the review and any commitments on the part of the vendor.
  3. File information on adoption (product info, risk assessment score, vendor compliance documentation, product review results, contract provisos).

That's it. Thank you for your participation to help ensure the accessibility of purchased information technology at U-M.