Determining Accessibility Risk

Accessibility risk can be defined as the degree to which the inaccessibility of an information technology (IT) product will negatively affect the university community.

There are a number of situations when it is important to gauge the accessibility risk of IT (i.e., websites, web-delivered content, course materials, media, eText, digital applications, software, mobile applications, and digital signage):

  • When you purchase, contract or adopt some information technology
  • If you are preparing to have someone else review your IT for accessibility
  • If you have inventoried your unit's IT and need to prioritize the accessibility work to be done

The actions you take to ensure you meet the requirements of the EIT Accessibility SPG will depend on the risk the IT represents.

Questionnaire and scoring

Answer the questions below and add up the score.






Number of users?

Less than 10% of unit

From 10% to 20% From 20% to 40% More than 40% or public facing

Used by students?


Yes, but not required

Yes, not required, but recommended, or significantly enhances or improves student experience

Yes, required

Is it essential for job/study function?


No, but recommended or provides high degree of benefit or efficiency No, but highly recommended Yes, essential

What is the lifecycle of this IT?

Less than a year

1-2 years

3-5 years

More than 5 years

How many people are in the adopting unit? 1-10 10-100 100-500 More than 500

Actions based on the score

Note: Regardless of your score, any system about which you have received an accessibility complaint has a de-facto high risk.

For purchases, adoptions and contracting

If your score is: Follow instructions for:
0-5 Low risk purchases
6-10 Medium risk purchases
11-15 High risk purchases